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For a limited time, drain cleaning for just $19.74!

For a limited time, drain cleaning for just $19.74!

SRP Offers Energy Efficiency Rebates

June 1, 2011

In a tough economic climate where businesses need to cut costs, Salt River Project now offers nearly $8 million in energy-efficiency rebates for businesses – with a maximum $300,000 cap per customer.

The SRP PowerWise™ Business Solutions program offers customers cash incentives for nearly all energy-efficiency measures, including technical support, high-efficiency lighting, cooling, motors and compressed air, and refrigeration equipment installed in existing or new buildings.

“These programs are a win-win for everyone, with our customers enjoying short payback periods on approved installed projects as well as continued savings over the life of the improvements,” said Debbie Kimberly, SRP’s manager of Energy Efficiency & Policy Analysis. “Reducing energy use through these rebates costs less than building new power plants – and contributes to sound environmental stewardship.”

Other new additions and enhancements to this year’s SRP program include:

  • Free lighting system audits for small business customers and rebates toward lighting upgrades

  • Up to 100 percent funding of technical audits for larger-complex system improvements implemented by customers

“In the current economic climate, saving money on energy usage is a sound business choice and provides an economical way for customers to practice prudent power management,” said Kimberly. “The incentives give our customers a competitive edge and improve their bottom line.”

SRP has made the program easy to navigate by collaborating with a select group of skilled contractors, vendors and engineering firms that ensures customers will get the maximum benefit by implementing energy-efficiency measures.

Published on behalf of Salt River Project
SRP serves more than 935,000 electric customers through a variety of resources, including solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, hydroelectricity, natural gas, coal and nuclear. SRP is also the largest supplier of raw water in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area, normally delivering more than 1 million acre-feet annually. For more information, visit the SRP website.

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