Sceptic Tank Care and Maintenance
April 29, 2015
Sometimes, plumbing can be a dirty business. Sceptic tanks are utilized by a quarter of homeowners, according to the EPA. Obscure property locations and underdeveloped areas are all privy to use sceptic tanks for waste removal. Sceptic tanks are surprisingly interesting, and we are proud to provide you with a brief overview of sceptic operation.
How Septic Tanks Work
Sceptic tanks functions by utilizing a drain pipe to take water and waste away from your house. Instead of funneling the waste to the sewer, sewage is discharged into an underground tank on the property (not above ground, obviously). Once the waste reaches the tank, the solid waste falls to the bottom while water is permitted to exit into a drain field, where it percolates into the ground. The water seeps through the soil, which serves as a natural filter before the water reaches the groundwater reserve below. Some systems use irritants that will break down the solid waste, but the practice is controversial for obvious reasons.
Careful What You Flush
It’s important to refrain from flushing any object down the drain except for human waste or toilet paper. Debris can clog up your septic system, and you don’t want that. Moreover, you might want to avoid the use of a garbage disposal. This will require you to pump your tank more frequently.
Regular Maintenance Needed
If you have a sceptic tank, regular maintenance is required to avoid troubles. You wouldn’t go years without visiting the dentist, and you should avoid doing the same with your sceptic tank. Most sceptic tanks require maintenance every three years. It behooves you not to neglect your sceptic tank. Inspectors will pump your system, inspect for clogs, and determine the overall health of you sceptic tank.
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